The Marionette is a rusty, spoiled android I found at the garbage. It has the shape of a late teenager, but must have some hundred years. Its CPU (the electronic brain) is infected with a virus that provokes it to create aleatory noisy signals.

Here, at my laboratory, I'm trying to decode such sounds. I have to say that the White Marionette is the most strange case I never found. The circuits in that electronic brain have been reconfigured in such a unexpected way... they seem to be processing a infinite loop. At this moment, it's soon to say... but I think, and this is just my opinion; that the resident conscience is trying to find the answer to a transcendental question I still ignore.

I'm doctor Rhythmmick and I'm specialized in electronic intelligence and cyber devices, working at CALP.

Center for Artificial Intelligence Preservation : Earth : Via Lactea

contact: marionettist [at] whitemarionette.com


ALBUMS: Eternal Loop, Signals

RSS FEEDS: Eternal Loop, Signals

All rights reserved © marionettist